Friday, December 16, 2016

Take your Mask Off!

You cannot escape from the truth. Whether you hide it or you do not, everything is going to be exposed. Do not try and hide your feelings from others, and do not be scared of showing them. Always remember that you are a human, and a human has feelings because he/she is a living being. You have the right to cry and to smile. You have the right to jump happily, and no one has the right to stop you. Sometimes communities view who cries as a weak person because they just cry. Communities do not give people a chance to express what they feel. This is what exactly happens. People just are working hard in life to satisfy people, and they put "Satisfying others" a priority because they do not know what is good for them and what is not. You even should not pay attention to peoples' reactions. If you are sad, then just lean on me or on anyone and complain. Share your concerns as you share your happy memories, and always remember that life is all about sharing. You do not have to carry your concerns on your own. We also have these concerns, and they are ours too. Live freely,laugh as much as you can, love your loved ones, enjoy every moment, and share everything.

Pretending has many forms. We should all know that pretending will not last for ever, and it will be noticed. However, as some people pretend to be happy, others pretend to be better then they are because they want to show that they are perfect to people. For instance, some people pretend to be rich because they think that poverty is shame. They still have not noticed that poverty is not disgraceful, but not having the determination and the desire to work hard is the shame itself. They always seek to show others that they look richer or anything else. Based on this, we come up with that the person has to put a strong goal in front of him, and he has to make people his last priority because they will never benefit him in the way he does. Additionally, a new type of pretending has appeared. This type is the people who pretend to use another language unnecessarily because they feel ashamed when they speak in their original one. For example, people in the middle east have started speaking in other languages instead of their original one, and they answered when they were asked that they feel that the another language seems more civilized.

 Both the two genders have to take their fake masks off. Women! Just wake up, and be simple. Do not pretend to impress men because you do not look beautiful for them. Women! Do not use a slang just because you think it is more attractive, and use your own one. Wear whatever you want, and do not connect everything to men. Do not change yourself! Accept the same one that you see her reflection on the mirror because it is you. Be yourself, and do not let others ruin your day. You are always beautiful whether they like the way you look or do not, and just mind your own life.

Men! Do not pretend to be rich when you are not. Be satisfied with what you have. Some people wish if they had what you already have, and you are complaining! Having a BMW car does not determine that you are a good person because life is not about what you have, but life is all about how you deal with people. Life is about how you are acting. Men! Do not show up when you pick up three or four girls. You should be proud of your morals, and you should have dignity. A man without decency is not even a male because this is the most essential element in the man's personality. You should protect her instead of hurting her. Men! Be what you are supposed to be, and be yourself.

It would be better if everyone accepted who he/she was and is. Being ourselves will make us live comfortably, and it will not require us to put more effort. Eventually, people will expose who we are through daily life. It would be better if we dealt with everything spontaneously.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Your Voice is Important

      Everyone should know that they have to have a voice in a lot of matters. Everyone should be aware of their rights, and also everyone should use their rights. People should not be ignored in their own country because this country can not go on without a nation. A nation can destroy a country as quickly as it can build it, for that the government should care about people and their voices. People value it when their government gives them an opportunity to have a say in many decisions. Furthermore, people hate it when they are ruled by a dictatorial government, and they will revolt. Consequently, the whole thing will be destroyed. It a very essential issue that everybody should matter to everybody. However, everything should have limits, and we shouldn't cross these limits. Also, nations' opinions and voices might be distinctive and beneficial to the government. Sometimes, when it comes to the nation, people come up with unusual thoughts. It gives everyone their voice to speak, and it gives them their own way in expressing their desires to make everything better. It makes this country democratic where all people could express themselves freely and comfortably. Also, if people are familiar with this matter, they will use it in all the conflicts. People will start arguing with each other, and everyone will gain the skills of speech. Freedom of speech is fundamental because it helps people exchanging ideas and perspectives. It allows people to put their fingerprints on such these important topics and decisions. When people have great ideas, they should share it whatever the consequence is. A country can't depend on one person, and it needs democracy to continue going on. 
Freedom of speech is essential because it is the only way to apply justice in the area. When a person is in the tyranny of fear, he will not be attentive in his society, and everything bad is expected to happen without his satisfaction. 

Everything has limits. Based on that, we should not cross these limits because they are put to live equally and in the best way it could be. Also, the government members should be all knowing how to create these limits, but they should create them based on criteria. For instance, they should make these limits not too kind and not too harsh. An another example, people who live under the rule of a president who is strict will suffer, and they will feel limited and restricted. Those people are deprived from expressing their thought and their beliefs which can be sometimes true even though that this period of time is considered a time when all the people should be developed, so this problem needs to be solved. It is starting to be a crisis which threatens all the humankind. Giving people more than they need is absolutely not true, and giving them less than they need is also wrong. On the other hand, A lot of people misunderstand the fact of being given your right in the free speech because they have been given more. For example, Charlie Hebdo magazine pictured prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a sarcastic cartoon, and the French community accepted this as a part of the freedom of speech. According to the last example, crossing the limits of the freedom of speech brings a lot of troubles. Just as crossing the limits is wrong, making them too strict is also not right. For example, if Jordan was strict in the freedom of speech, most of the nation would migrate and get out, and as was mentioned there is no country without a nation living in it. An another example, Omar Zorba was arrested because he expressed his opinion about a delegate by posting writings on Facebook.

Freedom of speech should limited in a way that allows people to express their perspectives freely, but it should prevent them from insurgency. Additionally, governments should be cautious because making the people satisfied and feeling content is a hard matter. The government should have specialists in this aspect. The governments that its task is to control the freedom of speech should provide specialists in controlling the using of freedom of speech in the area, and they must have honesty and loyalty in this career. Moreover, the administration of publishing should be careful in such these matters, and it should "Re-read" all the publications that people publish because it is responsible for everything published and declared in the different magazines and newspapers. It is everyone's responsibility when it comes to a decision or a publication that is considered a public opinion. According to that, it is everyone's liability because it expresses a whole nations' opinion and point of view. For instance, Donald trump, America's new president, is always insulting Muslims and many cultures and religions. People have started viewing Americans as if they hate Muslims too. Then, this what makes solving the problems of the freedom of speech important because sometimes it can hold a whole nations' point of view. Based on this, people should not accept living unjustly, and sometimes they should revolt and fight for their rights and the stolen justice. People should feel with others and think about their reactions if these people say something hurtful that might hurt others. People also have a role in solving the problems of the freedom of speech despite these problems are related to crossing the limits, or if they are related to narrowing the limits. People have the right to say because they are the voice of the country. In addition, the government should deal with this freedom.